Capital Fundraising: Advice on seeking equity to help grow your business

Embarking on a journey to raise equity capital is a significant step for businesses seeking growth opportunities. Unique CPAs P.C offers strategic advice and comprehensive support to help you navigate the complexities of equity fundraising, ensuring a successful and sustainable approach.

Valuation Analysis

Our team conducts thorough valuation analyses to determine the fair value of your business. This is crucial for negotiating terms with investors and establishing a reasonable valuation that aligns with market standards.


Due Diligence Preparation

We assist in preparing for investor due diligence by organizing and presenting relevant financial and operational information. This ensures a transparent and efficient due diligence process.

Investor Targeting and Outreach

We assist in identifying and targeting potential investors whose interests align with your business. Our team helps craft compelling pitch materials and facilitates strategic outreach to attract investment.


Why Choose Unique CPAs P.C

Our core values not only define us as a company but also reflect the essence of each individual within our organization.


Our team brings a wealth of expertise to handle diverse tax scenarios.

Integrity and Transparency

Trust is the foundation of our relationships. We operate with the highest standards of integrity and transparency, ensuring that you can rely on us for honest, ethical, and accountable financial services.

Proactive Advisory

We go beyond the numbers, offering proactive advisory services. As your trusted advisors, we provide insights and guidance to empower you in making informed financial decisions for the present and future.


We believe in the power of personalized attention, combining our expertise, experience, and energy to provide insightful financial solutions. Our core values — integrity, client focus, excellence, collaboration, and innovation — shape every interaction and guide our commitment to delivering exceptional results.